All families must be registered on the One-List through the Municipality of Chatham-Kent. Once registered the Supervisors will respond verbally or by email to wait list inquiries by providing families with an estimate of where they are on the wait list, and approximately when the next space will be available (movement in classrooms differs depending on age group). Preference is given to staff and families who are currently enrolled with The Family Centre.
A Supervisor will contact the family when a space becomes available and will set up a family appointment which includes a tour of the centre and going over the parent handbook, which outlines our policies. During the visit the parent registration package will be provided, and you are required to have it completed prior to the child’s first day. It is essential that all information is completed before the child starts at the centre. To make the transition easier for your child and family, we ask that you visit with your child at least two times prior to your child starting with the centre. Register for the wait list today